Felony Violation of Probation
If you were put on felony probation in Broward County, FL, then you are not alone. Recent statistics recorded by the Florida Department of Corrections show that as of June 30, 2015, there were 14,749 people being supervised on felony probation in Broward County, FL.
In many of these cases, the probation officer will allege that the probationer failed to complete a special condition within the allotted time, committed a technical violation, or was arrested for a new offense. In those cases, the court will often issue a “no bond” warrant for the probationer’s arrest.
A criminal defense attorney can fight to get the warrant withdrawn, or get the case put on a calendar quickly so that the attorney can ask the court to immediately release the probationer and either continue or terminate the probation. The best result in these cases requires a pro-active approach.
Attorney for Felony Violation of Probation in Broward County, FL
If you were sentenced to felony probation in Broward County, then be careful to complete all of the special conditions of probation and avoid committing any technical violation. If your probation officer tells you that you are in violation, then immediately contact an experienced criminal defense attorney for probation violations in Broward County, FL.
An experienced criminal defense attorney for violation of probation cases in Fort Lauderdale and help you get back into compliance. Your attorney can contact your probation officer to discuss ways that you can avoid a violation. If a warrant for your arrest has already been issued based on a violation of probation, your attorney can sometimes file a motion to surrender in the courtroom so that your conditions of pre-hearing detention can be addressed by the court.
What Happens After I’m Put on Felony Probation in Broward County, FL?
The Seventeenth Judicial Circuit covers all of Ft. Lauderdale and the surrounding areas in Broward County. After being sentenced to probation or community control by a judge in the Circuit Court in the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in Broward County, FL, the judge will require the probation to report to the probation office managed by the Department of Corrections.
If a county court judge imposes probation in a misdemeanor case, then the probation is supervised by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office probation division. Click here to find out more information on how our attorneys handled misdemeanor probation violation cases in Broward County, FL. On the other hand, when a person is sentenced to probation in Circuit Court, the probation is managed by the Florida Department of Corrections.
In Broward County, the Circuit Administrator for the Ft. Lauderdale Circuit is Cassandra Moore. The Department of Correction’s office of adult community supervision for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit is located at 201 West Broward Blvd., Suite #203 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
A person put on probation or community control. In many of these cases, a person will be ordered to complete felony probation without spending any time behind bars. In some cases, the person begins probation immediately after being released from time in the county jail or Florida State Prison.
Special Conditions of Felony Probation in Broward County, FL
The probation officer will monitor the offender’s compliance with the special conditions of supervision. Probation officers can also help the person find resources and services necessary to transition from prison or jail to the community.
The purpose of probation is to increase the probationer’s likelihood of success. The Department of Probation probation officer use evidence based practices including:
- assessment of risk and needs;
- enhancing offender motivation;
- providing positive reinforcement; and
- ongoing support.
The Florida Department of Corrections also offers classes for self-improvement and behavior change for probationers assigned to adult community supervision. Those classes can include:
- Thinking for a Change or Moral Recognition Therapy Cognitive Behavior classes
- Employment Interviewing and Application skills;
- How to Make it on Probation or Community Control; and
- Life Skills.
Probation officers refer offenders to various community resources for self-improvement and programs to assist the probationer in obtaining mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, and employment. The most common community-based sanctions and programs include substance abuse, mental health and sex offender treatment programs. The DOC probation offices in Broward County are located in Lauderdale Lakes and Fort Lauderdale.
Additional Resources
Felony Probation Offices in Broward County, FL – Visit the website of the Florida Department of Corrections to find information about the offices of Adult Community Supervision under the direction of Circuit Administrator, Cassandra Moore. The main felony probation office is located at 201 West Broward Blvd., Suite #203, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The community-based sanctions and programs offered in Broward County, FL, including sex offender treatment, mental health, and substance abuse treatment.