Speeding Ticket Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Each year millions of speeding tickets are issued by law enforcement officers. In Broward County, FL, the vast majority of those citations are issued by the Florida Highway Patrol or the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.
Also, local law enforcement agencies such as the Deerfield Beach Police Department, the Hollywood Police Department, the Plantation Police Department or the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, FL, write many of these citations for speed violations.
The best way to handle a speeding ticket is to either represent yourself and elect the traffic school option or retain an attorney who can request a court appearance. Paying the civil citation and penalty means that you are admitting “guilt” and entering a guilty plea which leads to a conviction and the assessment of points.
To make matters worse, a conviction caused by paying the citation can cause your automobile insurance rates to go up for three to five years. In some cases, your policy might even be canceled because of the conviction.
Hire a Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, FL
If you receive a speeding ticket in Broward County, then contact an experiencedtraffic ticket attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL, at Meltzer & Bell who can represent you. We help our clients fight for the best result.
The attorneys at Meltzer & Bell in Fort Lauderdale, FL, represent clients on a wide variety of different types of speeding tickets issued throughout Broward County, FL.
At least in the State of Florida, most people are better off fighting the ticket rather than just paying it. If you pay the ticket then you are essentially entering a “guilty” plea, being convicted, and stipulating that the DMV should assess points on your driving record.
The conviction and points might cause your insurance rates to increase for the next three to five years. It might also cause your insurance company to drop your insurance if you have previous convictions or claims.
If you hire a traffic ticket attorney in Fort Lauderdale, FL, however, the attorney can ask the court to dismiss the citation if the officer fails to appear or if there is insufficient evidence. Alternatively, the attorney can ask the court to withhold adjudication so that you are not “convicted” or assessed any points on your driving record.
Consequences of a Speeding Ticket in Florida
Florida Statute 626.9541(1)(o)12 provides:
“No insurer shall impose or request an additional premium, cancel a policy, or issue a non-renewal notice on any insurance policy or contract because of any traffic infraction when adjudication of guilt is withheld and no points have been accessed pursuant to s.318.14(9) and (10). However, this subparagraph does not apply to traffic infractions involving accidents in which the insurer has incurred a loss due to the fault of the insured.”
Fines for Speeding Tickets in Broward County, FL
The typical fines for these offenses vary depending on the way it is charged. Typical fines in Broward County can include:
- 6 to 9 MPH $129.00
- 10 to 14 MPH $204.00
- 15 to 19 MPH $254.00
- 20 to 29 MPH $279.00
- 30 MPH & Over Court Mandatory
Maximum Penalty for a Speeding Ticket in Florida
The statutory maximum penalty for such offenses can include an adjudication of guilt, assessment of points, and a civil penalty of up to $500. The statutory maximum civil penalty can be doubled for any speeding ticket that involves a death or speeding in a construction zone or school zone. In addition to these penalties, the court can also require you to attend traffic school. A conviction could result in your insurance rates may go up or your policy may be canceled.
Types of Speeding Tickets in Florida
The different types of traffic offenses under Florida law or local municipal ordinances are typically coded on the driving record by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) as one of the following:
- 316.183(1) Driving too fast for conditions 3
- 316.183(2) Unlawful Speed (requires speeds)?Exceeding speed limit 3
- 316.183(2) Unlawful Speed (if no speeds are indicated on citation)?Exceeding speed limit 3
- 316.183(2) Unlawful Speed – LESS than posted minimum 3
- 316.183(3) Unlawful Speed – School bus (requires speeds) 3
- 316.183(3) Unlawful Speed – School bus (if no speeds are indicated on the citation) 3
- 316.183(4) Too fast for conditions 3
- 316.183(4)(a) Speed too fast for conditions R/R/intersection 3
- 316.183(4)(a) Speed too fast for conditions R/R/intersection 3
- 316.183(4)(b) Speed too fast for conditions on curve 3
- 316.183(4)(c) Speed too fast for conditions approaching hill 3
- 316.183(4)(d) Speed too fast for conditions narrow/winding road 3
- 316.183(4)(e) Speed too fast for conditions special hazard 3
- 316.183(5) Impeding traffic 3
- 316.183(6) Exceeding posted speed in a work?zone 3
- 316.185 Special Hazard (specify which hazard)
- 316.185 Special Hazard – Failed to use due care 3
- 316.185 Special Hazard – Too fast for conditions 3
- 316.187 SPEED – Unlawful Speed (requires speeds) (see speeding fines) 3
- 316.187 SPEED – Unlawful Speed (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.187(1) Speeding State Posted (requires speeds) 3
- 316.187(1) Speeding State Posted (if no speed are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.187(2) Unlawful Speed; Interstate (requires speeds) 3
- 316.187(2) Unlawful Speed; Interstate (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.187(2)(a) Speed/70 Interstate (requires speeds) 3
- 316.187(2)(a) Speed/70 Interstate if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.187(2)(b) Speed/65 Highway/Turnpike (requires speeds) 3
- 316.187(2)(b) Speed/65 Highway/Turnpike (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.187(2)(c) Speed/Roadways (requires speeds) 3
- 316.187(2)(c) Speed/Roadways (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.187(3) SPEED – Unlawful Speed (requires speeds) 3
- 316.187(3) SPEED – Unlawful Speed (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.189 Speed Posted Municipality/County Road (requires speeds) 3
- 316.189 Speed Posted Municipality/County Road (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.189(1) Violation Municipal speed/posted (requires speeds) 3
- 316.189(1) Violation Municipal speed/posted (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.189(2) Unlawful speed/county roads (requires speeds) 3
- 316.189(2) Unlawful speed/county roads (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.189(2)(a) Speed posted county road residential/business (requires speeds) 3
- 316.189(2)(a) Speed posted county road residential/business (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.189(2)(b) Speed posted county road non-business/residential (requires speeds) 3
- 316.189(2)(b) Speed posted county road non-business/residential (if no speed indicated on citation) 3
- 316.189(4) Speed Posted Municipality/County Road (requires speeds) 3
- 316.189(4) Speed Posted Municipality/County Road (if no speeds are indicated on citation) 3
- 316.1895 SPEED – SCHOOL ZONE (requires speeds) 3
- 316.1895 SPEED – SCHOOL ZONE (no speeds indicated) 3
- 316.1895(10) Unlawful speed in school zone (requires speeds) 3
- 316.1895(10) Unlawful speed in school zone (no speeds indicated) 3
- Speed – Failed to Use Due Care
Speed – Florida Turnpike As Posted
Speed – Interstate – Radar/Time
Speed – Interstate System in Area of 65 Mph Limit
Speed – No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation
Speed – Posted on County Roads
Speed – Posted State Road Or Intersection
Speed – Posted Within Any Municipality
Speed – Posted Zone – Radar/Time
Speed – School Zone
Speed – School Zone(no speeds indicated)
Speed – Special Hazard – Too Fast For Conditions
Speed 16 Or More Mph Over Limit
Speed B Unlawful Speed (If No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation)
Speed B Unlawful Speed (Requires Speed)
Speed on 4 Lane Hwy – 20 Med Radar/Time
Speed Posted Municipality/County Road (Requires Speed)
Speed Too Fast For Conditions Approaching Hill
Speed Too Fast For Conditions Narrow/Winding Road
Speed Too Fast For Conditions on Curve
Speed Too Fast For Conditions R/R Intersection
Speed Too Fast For Conditions Special Hazard
Speed/65 Highway/Turnpike (Requires Speed)
Speed/70 Interstate (If No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation)
Speed/70 Interstate (Requires Speed)
Speed/Roadways (If No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation)
Speed/Roadways (Requires Speed)
Speeding > 50 MPH
Speeding 15 Or More Mph Over Limit – CMV
Speeding State Posted (If No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation)
Speeding State Posted (Requires Speed)
Speedposted County Road Non-Business/Residential (If No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation)
Speedposted County Road Non-Business/Residential (Requires Speed)
Speedposted County Road Residential/Business (If No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation)
Speedposted County Road Residential/Business (Requires Speed)
Speedposted Municipality/County Road (If No Speeds Are Indicated on Citation)
Speeding in a Construction Zone
Under Section 318.18, F.S., if a driver is cited for exceeding the speed limit in a posted construction zone, the fine is doubled for exceeding the speed limit. The posting must include notification of the speed limit and that fines will be doubled. Before this provision applies construction personnel must be present or operating equipment on the road or immediately adjacent to the road under construction.
Florida law provides for the following fines for unlawful speed are:
For speed exceeding the limit by: | Fine: |
1-5 m.p.h. | Warning |
6-9 m.p.h. | $25 |
10-14 m.p.h. | $100 |
15-19 m.p.h. | $150 |
20-29 m.p.h. | $175 |
30 m.p.h. and above | $250 |
Although the term construction zone is not defined Section 316.003(97) of the Florida Statutes defines “work zone” as the area and its approaches on any state-maintained highway, county maintained highway, or municipal street where construction, repair, maintenance, or other street-related or highway-related work is being performed or where one or more lanes are closed to traffic.
Finding a Traffic Ticket Attorney for Speeding in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Whether your speeding ticket involved an allegation that you were driving too fast for conditions or exceeded the posted speed limit, call us to discuss the case.
We represent clients on speeding tickets issued on a roadway, highway turnpike, interstate, county road, construction zone, work zone or school zone. We also represent clients charged with running a red light, running a stop sign, or aggressive careless driving. Let us put our experience to work for you to fight any traffic ticket issued in Broward County, FL. Call (954) 765-6585 today.
This article was last updated on Friday, May 19, 2017.